
Birth-5th Grade

Sunday nights from 5:00-7:00pm

Vision Statement:

G.R.O.W. is our Sunday night program from children ages birth-5th grade. While parents are in Home Groups, we have GROW for the kiddos at the usual Sunday spots they meet in for church. We are rolling out a new structure and a new curriculum and think it’s going to be great! Just a heads up, we’re skipping the snacks for 2nd-5th graders, so make sure to plan ahead. Also, look forward to a Discussion Guide heading home with your child to keep the conversation going. Got questions? Pryce Jones, our Interim Grow Director, is just an email away if you need anything. You can contact him at youth@fbachurch.org.

If you have questions or if you would like to serve as a volunteer, please contact Pryce Jones via the button below!