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Spiritual Gifts Test
Spiritual Gifts Assessment
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1. I can organize my friends or classmates to accomplish a goal or task.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
2. I can tell if a statement is from the Bible or not.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
3. I have a good understanding of the gospel and can easily share it with others.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
4. I believe everyone needs encouragement in this life, and I love to give it.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
5. I don’t spend my money on things I don’t need so I can give more of it to God.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
6. I have big dreams to live my life for God.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
7. I have compassion for those who are having hard times in their lives.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
8. I always pray for other people.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
9. I enjoy doing everyday tasks that support the different ministries of the church.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
10. I spend a lot of time studying the Bible so I can make a difference in someone’s life.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
11. I can easily create a plan and put it into place to get something done.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
12. I listen carefully to what people say and teach to see if it is true or not.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
13. My heart is heavy for those who are lost without Jesus.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
14. When I see someone who is discouraged, I remind them of how great God is and how much He has promised to take care of them.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
15. I love giving money to help the Church share the Gospel.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
16. I like to set goals and reach them, even if others oppose them.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
17. I see the sick or needy as those who most need the love and comfort that Jesus offers.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
18. I love helping others learn and grow in their faith.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
19. I gladly volunteer to help in church when I know it will fill a practical need.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
20. When I teach the bible, others are interested and want to learn more.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
21. When I am in a group, I clearly see how everyone can contribute to accomplish our goal together.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
22. I can tell easily if a person is phony or fake.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
23. I always look for opportunities to build relationships with non-Christians.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
24. I feel God pushing me to inspire those who are not growing in their faith.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
25. It makes me happy knowing that when I give to the Church, people will be helped and told about Jesus.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
26. I am not afraid to take risks to advance the kingdom of God.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
27. I care deeply about those who are hurting and want to help them through their tough times.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
28. Relationships are very important to me. I am definitely a “people person.”
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
29. I like to be in the background and have no need of recognition when I serve in the church.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
30. I enjoy explaining things to people so that they can grow spiritually and personally.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
31. I organize things so that my life runs more smoothly.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
32. I can decide quickly if there is an evil or wicked influence in a situation.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
33. I love to memorize Bible verses to share with those who don’t know Jesus as their Savior.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
34. I am not afraid to challenge someone if I know it will inspire spiritual growth and boldness in their life.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
35. Even though I give a good portion of what I have to God, He still blesses me with more than I need.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
36. I love to help others grow in their gifts and abilities.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
37. I love to help people through the problems of life and show them the compassion that Jesus did.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
38. I care about the church and want to see it grow and be built up in love.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
39. I set aside time and make an effort to help those in need around me.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
40. I hate it when someone uses Bible verses out of context for their own purposes.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
41. I care about the details when I am working on something.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
42. I can usually tell if someone is being deceitful or dishonest before anyone else can.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
43. I love to share what Christ has done in my life and how He has changed me.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
44. Others have told me that my encouraging words have helped them to step out and grow in their faith.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
45. I want to make God happy with how I use my money.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
46. People often look to me to lead a group or project at school or church.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
47. I have been known to “care too much” and help others in their time of need.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
48. I want to see everyone in the church fulfilling the Great Commission.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
49. If I see a need in the church I simply fill it without being asked.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
50. I pay attention to the words people use because each word is significant and has meaning,
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
51. I know how to manage my time to get my daily work done.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
52. I see things plainly as good or evil, right or wrong, true or false.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
53. I feel that I have to tell my friends about Jesus, especially those who don’t go to church.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
54. When others are faced with difficult problems, I confidently reassure them of God’s faithfulness towards His people.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
55. I look for ways to personally help the poor and needy.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
56. I am not afraid to step up and take charge in a difficult situation.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
57. I look for those who are “outcasts” and help them put their lives back together.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
58. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my life and ministry.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
59. I believe there is eternal importance in doing ordinary jobs at church.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
60. When I study the Bible, I am always finding out interesting new things about the Gospel.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
61. My room is always clean and in order.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
62. Others have told me I am a good judge of character.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
63. Most of my conversations with non-Christians lead to me speaking about my faith in Jesus.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
64. If I see people stumbling in their faith, I encourage them to remember what God has done and to come back to the joy He offers us.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
65. When I get a paycheck or allowance, the first thing I do is ask God what He wants me to give.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
66. I concentrate more on the big picture than the small details.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
67. Others have said that I have comforted them at a low point in their lives.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
68. I do not seek the “spotlight,” but I believe God is preparing me to minister to others.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
69. I find joy in being a helper and assisting others in their ministries.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
70. Often the Holy Spirit gives me just the right words to say when I am teaching something.
Never / Not true
Rarely / Rarely true
Some of the time / Occasionally true
Most of the time / Usually true
All of the time / Consistently true
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